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Why Your Company Culture Could Send Ideal Hires for the Hills
If you think the interview process for an ideal candidate is a one-way street, think again. In a recent survey by, 77% of employees and jobseekers replied “company culture is the most important thing they look for in a company.” Top talent are interviewing you and forming an opinion, as they sit across the desk.
What is your company’s culture?
A company’s culture commonly refers to employees’ shared beliefs and values and how they’re “brought to life” in the workplace. Every company has its own company culture brand image projected. There is no one-size-fits-all.
To gauge your culture, do some homework on how your organization is perceived by potential employees, reviewed by existing employees, and reported by past employees.
When a candidate arrives for the interview, what do they see and hear?
Is the office buzzing with a palpable air of energy or do employees appear bored or stressed?
Are employees engaging with each other or are they all sitting in a cubicle quietly?
During the interview process, does anyone speak about the company culture?
What behaviors from employees are recognized, rewarded, or ignored?
Are your leaders effective at working toward a desirable culture?
If most of your answers to the above questions were negative, chances are your company culture needs some work. The negative vibe you're sending may drive away potential top talent looking for an ideal workplace.
Culture flows from the top to bottom
Senior management must practice what they preach when it comes to the stated company values. Otherwise, their employees will not embrace and practice the values of the company. Speaking on the subject of corporate culture, Jack Welch is quoted in Forbes , “…Great cultures deliver great numbers. Great numbers don’t deliver great cultures.”
Consider encouraging company culture by proudly displaying the organization’s mission and values. Recognize those in your company that are doing an exemplary job at “living the values.” And, frequently reassess your company values to ensure you’re keeping your culture in action. Remember, company culture is a living project and should be re-visited frequently.
Advantages of a ‘Good’ Company Culture
Genuine camaraderie amongst the employees
Loyalty from both employees and customers
High-productivity environment
Employees feel their feedback is important
Positive long-term financial performance
If you’re still not sold on the idea that company culture can have a significant impact on a public’s perspective, consider a recent survey, conducted by Inc. They asked 12 successful young entrepreneurs to share which 12 business leaders create great company culture. Not surprising, Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Tony Hsieh of Zappos were included in the list. All 12 business leaders share many common traits: supportive, open, and skilled at motivating employees at their respective companies.
Don’t miss the ‘Signs’
There are several signs which may indicate your company culture is in trouble and may repel top talent from wanting to become employed by your company.
Are employees competing against each other, rather than projecting a team-oriented environment?
Do some of your top performers leave because they are unhappy with conditions?
Are you seeing a decline in work output?
Do employees appear bored?
Are complaints about feedback not making a difference?
Do you have an increase in absenteeism or tardiness?
If your company is experiencing any of these situations, consider making a change in your existing culture. Senior management can transition the company with a ‘bad’ culture to a ‘good’ culture by making a true commitment to implementing changes. These changes will help them accomplish long-term business goals. They can begin by working with Human Resources and other important internal stakeholders to outline the core company values. To be successful, these values must be authentic to win buy-in from employees. Several aspects of the business should be addressed; such as: job descriptions posted, hiring process, training for the new employee, and the day-to-day work environment. Once the process is complete, senior management will need to ‘walk the talk’ in order to truly resonate with their employees.
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Recruiting & Employee RetentionGreg Hermanson
Greg Hermanson is responsible for the recruiting and hiring of SWBC employees—a number which has grown from 400 to more than 3,500 since he joined the company in January 2005. In addition, as Vice President of Human Resources, he is responsible for employee relations and plays a key role in the performance management process. Greg and his Staffing and Employee Relations teams have helped SWBC to maintain the culture that facilitated our organization being named one of the “Best Companies to Work for in Texas” by Texas Monthly.
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