Even the best drivers hit bumps in the road. Just like a winning racecar driver needs a quality pit crew to keep them speeding ahead on the track, your borrowers need a safety net to help keep their f...
How One Financial Institution Increased Their Payment Transactions By 43%
When a financial institution expands its products and services in one area, the residual effect in other parts of the institution likely requires a reaction. This was the case at USALLIANCE Financial. Their team saw rapid growth as a result of increased indirect lending efforts, which required the team to react to their members' needs. The need to support these new borrowers with an effective loan pay platform became a challenge for USALLIANCE.
Related reading: Four Payment Processing Best Practices to Deploy with Your Employees
"AutoPilot Payments has allowed us to better
service our members through themulti -channel use of our website, digital channels, and contact center."– Kristi Kenworthy, Assistant Vice President of eCommerce, USALLIANCE Financial
USALLIANCE sought out a loan payments partner that aligned with their institution's goals of providing innovative financial solutions as consumer expectations
To read the details of how USALLIANCE Financial put SWBC's Payments platform to work, click below to download the case study.
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